Opensmt solver
View On GitHubInterpolation: LRA interpolation algorithms can be changed with the following option in the command line:
(set-option :interpolation-lra-algorithm <N>)
where N can be:
For the flexible no-man’s land algorithm we can alter the interpolant within the interval alpha = [0 , 1)
To do so, the following option can be used:
(set-option :interpolation-lra-factor "alpha")
An example for demonstration purpose:
(set-logic QF_LRA)
(set-option :produce-interpolants true)
(set-option :interpolation-lra-algorithm 3) ;to specify interpolation Alg
(set-option :interpolation-lra-factor "1/5") ;to specify alpha
(declare-fun x () Real)
(declare-fun y () Real)
(declare-fun z () Real)
(assert (!(<= 1 (+ (* 2 x) y (* 3 z) ) ) :named A)) ;to specify partition A
(assert (!(<= 3 (+ (* (- 1) x) (* (- 1) y) (* (- 1) z))) :named B)) ;to specify partition B
(assert (!(<= 0 (+ x (* 3 y) (* (- 1) z) ) ) :named C))
(get-interpolants A (and B C))
To get a model for a SAT formula we use get-value ()
and specify the desired terms. For e.g,
(get-value (x y))
will print the value for x and y.